<p>Total food industry cross border deals worth $26.32m were announced globally for December 2020, with the $18.3m acquisition of Foshan Nanhai Runyuan Food being the sector's biggest investment, according to GlobalData’s deals database.</p> <script>google.charts.load('current', {'packages':['corechart']});google.charts.setOnLoadCallback(drawVisualization_Template27_Monthly_December_2020_Food_cross_border_);var options={vAxes:[{title:'Deal volume', titleTextStyle:{italic:false, }}, {title:'Deal value', titleTextStyle:{italic:false, }}], vAxis:{gridlines:{color:'transparent'}}, title:'Food industry cross border deals: value and volume trend - December 2019 to December 2020', chartArea:{width:'100%'}, legend:{position:'bottom'}, hAxis:{title:'Deal period', titleTextStyle:{italic:false, }, slantedText:true, slantedTextAngle:65}, series:{0:{type:'bars', targetAxisIndex:0, color:'#303030'}, 1:{type:'bars', targetAxisIndex:0, color:'#79beff'}, 2:{type:'bars', targetAxisIndex:0, color:'#00dea5'}, 3:{type:'line', targetAxisIndex:1, color:'#60a92a', enableInteractivity:false, tooltip:'none'}}, pointSize:5, isStacked:true, annotations:{textStyle:{color:'#000'}}, seriesType:'bars', };function drawVisualization_Template27_Monthly_December_2020_Food_cross_border_(){var data=google.visualization.arrayToDataTable([['Month', 'M&A', 'Private equity', 'Venture financing', 'Deal value' , 'value'], ['Dec 19', 9, 1, 4, 4109.53, '$4.11bn'], ['Jan 20', 12, 4, 9, 848.01, '$0.848bn'], ['Feb 20', 13, 3, 5, 5332.79, '$5.33bn'], ['Mar 20', 8, 2, 2, 5.97, '$0.006bn'], ['Apr 20', 5, 2, 6, 284.40, '$0.284bn'], ['May 20', 9, 2, 4, 105.07, '$0.105bn'], ['Jun 20', 9, 4, 3, 1636.92, '$1.64bn'], ['Jul 20', 7, 3, 6, 570.57, '$0.571bn'], ['Aug 20', 10, 2, 4, 224.18, '$0.224bn'], ['Sep 20', 10, 4, 8, 721.07, '$0.721bn'], ['Oct 20', 11, 5, 5, 3820.10, '$3.82bn'], ['Nov 20', 8, 4, 1, 1187.71, '$1.19bn'], ['Dec 20', 11, 5, 5, 26.32, '$0.026bn']]);var view=new google.visualization.DataView(data);view.setColumns([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, {calc:'stringify', sourceColumn:5, type:'string', role:'annotation'}]);var chart=new google.visualization.ComboChart(document.getElementById('chart_div_Template27_Monthly_December_2020_Food_cross_border_'));google.visualization.events.addListener(chart, 'ready', function(){var img=chart.getImageURI();jQuery('#chart_image').append(img);});chart.draw(view, options);}</script> <p><div id='chart_div_Template27_Monthly_December_2020_Food_cross_border_' style='width: 100%; height: 500px;'></div><div class='chart-container'><div id='tabsautomated'><ul><li><a href='#tabs-1'>Embed this chart</a><div id='tabs-1' class='tab-content1'><h3>Embed this chart into your website</h3><p>Copy and paste the image source into your website to display the chart.<br /><textarea id='chart_image'></textarea></div></li></ul></div></div></p><p> The value marked a decrease of 97.8% over the previous month of $1.19bn and a drop of 98.3% when compared with the last 12-month average of $1.59bn.</p><p>In terms of number of cross border deals, the sector saw a rise of 16.67% with 21 deals in December 2020 when compared to the last 12-month average of 18 deals.</p><p>In value terms, Asia-Pacific led the activity with cross border deals worth $22.94m in December 2020.</p><p class='topdeal_text'><b>Food industry cross border deals in December 2020: Top deals</b></p><p>The top five cross border deals accounted for 96.4% of the overall value during December 2020.</p><p>The combined value of the top five cross border deals stood at $25.38m, against the overall value of $26.32m recorded for the month.</p><p>The top five food industry cross border deals of December 2020 tracked by GlobalData were:</p><p>1) Foshan City Nanhai District Xinying Enterprise Planning and Guangnan HongLimited’s $18.3m acquisition of Foshan Nanhai Runyuan Food</p><p>2) The $3.1m venture financing of Avant Meats by 208 Seed Ventures, AngelHub, Artesian Ventures, China Venture Capital, CPT Capital, Lever VC, Loyal VC, Markus Haefeli, Particle Accelerator and PTG Food</p><p>3) CPT Capital, Happiness Capital, Stray Dog Capital and Veg Capital’s $2.1m venture financing of Better Dairy</p><p>4) The $1.29m acquisition deal of Zhangzhou Jintian Food by Junhua Enterprise</p><p>5) Food-Angels, Kale United, Katapult Ocean, PlusCap, ProVeg Deutschland EV, Veg Capital and Wave Ventures' venture financing deal with Hooked Seafood for $0.6m.</p>