Vitamin D2 enrichment with SteriBeam’s pulsed UVB source has been conducted on two types of fresh mushrooms: white champignons and oysters. Initial vitamin D2 content in all groups was circa 0.5µg/100g. Each sample was 30g and after a single UVB pulse reached from ca. 20µg/100g to ca.150µg/100g, proportionally to applied pulse energy, which respectively varied from 100J/pulse to 1,000J/pulse.
Champignons had about 25% higher D2 response at the same pulse energies as oysters had. The precision D2 enrichment was demonstrated in these tests and allows RDA standards to be met for D2 (5µg/100g to 10µg/100g, depending on a population group) on an industrial level, without side-effects such as mushroom browning or dehydration.