BAADER’s new skinning machine for salmon is designed for twin or single lane skinning.
The twin lanes are run individually. With the twin lane version, it is possible to run 50 fillets a minute. It is optimised for skinning fresh or smoked salmon with no remaining skin on the fish tail. A special designed easy grip device guarantees highest yield at the tail.
The skinning result is even and perfect due to self adjusting blade holders. It is possible to make deep, shallow or even maximum shallow skinning. The change over between deep and shallow skinning can be done easily with only one handle.
BAADER 240 is easy to adjust during operation and to dismantle for cleaning, without tools.
A special designed transfer plate allows the fillets to pass through the machine without skinning. No tools are necessary to install this plate. It is also possible to skin smoked fillets as no water is needed.
A single lane skinning machine (left or right) is also available. In this machine, it is possible to re-merge the skin and the smoked filet after the skinning process automatically after a small adjustment of the discharge belt.