The latest developments and innovations in food safety and quality control will be showcased in a special event being organised by packaging systems specialist Ishida Europe.
From 21October to 6 November the company will be running a series of demonstrations at its UK headquarters in Woodgate, Birmingham to highlight the capabilities of its newest X-ray, checkweigher, seal tester and vision system models.
With fierce competition across all sectors of the food industry, ensuring the highest standards of product quality is essential to maintain brand image and loyalty, and secure valuable retail shelf space. Equally true, a product recall for any sort of quality or contamination problem can not only be extremely damaging in terms of loss of consumer confidence and reputation but the financial implications – including heavy retailer fines – can also be immense.
Ishida Europe’s Product Manager for X-ray Inspection Systems Jim Bedford said, "For these reasons it is vital that companies take a pro-active approach to quality control to put the systems in place to ensure any potential quality or safety issues are swiftly identified and dealt with before goods leave the factory."
Ishida is the global leader in the supply of X-ray systems as well as multihead weighers and checkweighers. Its X-ray models can detect a variety of contaminants including metal, glass, bones, shells, stones, hard rubber and plastic down to 0.3mm in size, and can also be used for other quality control operations such as product grading by length, presence of clips, voids in product, product deformation, missing or damaged pieces and fill-level control.
The Ishida event will feature two new X-ray models, the IX-GE-B3034, which is capable of detecting contaminants within products packed in PET bottles, tetra packs, carton brick packs and pouches, and the IX-G2, specifically designed for bone detection.
The Ishida DACS-G checkweigher, demonstrated with integrated metal detector, features a new Ishida-designed, exceptionally fast and accurate loadcell that is able to operate with great reliability in the harshest of environments. It can also switch between two weighing capacities to allow a larger product range to be packed on one line.
The DACS-G will be demonstrated using Ishida’s data capture system (IDCS II). This advanced system provides powerful data monitoring and analysis for every pack that goes across the checkweigher in order to help improve overall equipment efficiency (OEE), monitor packing line performance, enhance the profitability of production lines and generally enable food packers and processors to manage their operations more efficiently.
Ishida’s seal testers provide reliable, sensitive detection of leaks for both bags and trays on high speed packing lines. A major benefit of these systems is that the testing process is non-destructive, meaning failed pack contents can be re-packed.
Ishida tray seal testers offer an unsurpassed level of reliability across a wide variety of tray types, materials and sizes. A 1mm hole can be detected at up to 140bpm.